Hatcher Exercise 2.2.9

We compute homology for a few two-dimensional CW-complexes:

(a) Let with the north and south poles identified. We've previously seen that this space is homotopy equivalent to , and so the homology should be:

But, let's do it using cellular homology. To understand the CW-complex structure, first consider the CW-complex structure for (without identification) consisting of two 0-cells (the poles), a 1-cell between them, and a 2-cell attached by mapping one half-interval of the boundary along from to , and the consecutive half-interval along with opposite orientation -- that is, from to (imagine the 2-cell in a Pacman shape -- the attaching map is zipping the mouth shut by sending both halves of the mouth to the single line ).

Then, we can get a CW-complex on by modifying the this structure -- just start with one 0-cell and have the attaching map of the 1-cell map both endpoints to -- keep the attaching map the same as described above. Then, the cellular chain complex is:

Clearly is zero since there is only one zero-cell.

0 \rightarrow \mathbb{Z}^2 \xrightarrow{d_2} \mathbb{Z}^3 \xrightarrow{d_1} \mathbb{Z} \rightarrow 0

H_0(X) = \mathbb{Z} \qquad H_1(X) = \mathbb{Z}^3 \qquad H_2(X) = \mathbb{Z}^2

0 \rightarrow \la F \ra \xrightarrow{d_2} \la a,b,c \ra \xrightarrow{d_1} \la p \ra \rightarrow 0

H_0(X) = \mathbb{Z} \qquad H_1(X) = \mathbb{Z}^2 \qquad H_2(X) = 0

0 \rightarrow \la F_{ij} \; : \; i \in [n], j \in [m] \ra \xrightarrow{d_2} \la a_i, b_j \; : \; i \in [n], j \in [m] \ra \xrightarrow{d_1} \la p \ra \rightarrow 0

H_0(X) = \mathbb{Z} \qquad H_1(X) = \mathbb{Z}^{n+m} \qquad H_2(X) = \mathbb{Z}^{nm}


Indeed, notice that this coincides with the homology of the torus when . Furthermore, the space from part (b) is precisely this construction when and , and the homology coincides there as well.